technical data |
| 1998 (Established) | | über 1300 (customers) | | 44 (countries) | | (Stable, self-administrative, web-based business software for operational control and also for external marketing) | | (Well-known internet homepage linked to the company software) | | (Data on business transactions, communication and electronically archived documents for more than 15 years) | | - (Branches: recycling and waste industry, metal and surface technology, agricultural sector and biogas, contaminated site remediation and landfill leachate, research and development, municipal sewage treatment plants, water supply, mechanical and plant engi) | | - (Plant and machine technology at a glance: precipitation and flocculation systems, flotation systems, chamber filter presses, belt sieve presses, centrifuges, sieves and screens, reverse osmosis, evaporator systems, heat exchan) |