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used used gear agitator, gear mixer - 26831 - Typ: GMF0,75/157 - Producer RVT Systeme - TIPP Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH

used gear agitator, gear mixer

details to article: 26831

Producer:RVT Systeme
Year of manufacture:1998
Condition:gebraucht / used / second hand

technical data

price  1280 Euro EXW ()
  (shipping and payment)
Rotations  157 1/min (geared drive)
Voltage  400 V
Frequency  50 Hz
Amperage  2,1 A
Power  0,75 kW
Length  3400 mm (total)
Length  2950 mm (shaft)
Diameter  58 mm (shaft)
Diameter  400 mm (blade)
Weight  130 kg
Material  (shaft and blade made of rubberized steel)

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informations about: agitators, bubblers, stirring devices

An agitator is a device or mechanism to put something into motion by shaking or stirring.
Manual agitator

Manual dishwashers
A rock can be a device used to agitate dirt and other solids from fabric in washing
A stirring rod
Washing machine agitator
Agitator for a laundromat washing machine.

In a top load washing machine the agitator projects from the bottom of the wash basket and creates the wash action by rotating back and forth, rolling garments from the top of the load, down to the bottom, then back up again and due to that it seems so.

There are several types of agitators with the most common being the "straight-vane" and "dual-action." The "straight-vane" is a one-part agitator with bottom and side fins that usually turns back and forth. The Dual-action is a two-part agitator that has bottom washer fins that moves back and forth and a spiral top that rotates clockwise to help guide the clothes to the bottom washer fins.

The modern agitator, which is the dual action, was first made in Kenmore washing machines in the 1980s to present. These agitators are known by Kenmore as dual-rollover and triple-rollover action agitators.

Magnetic agitator

This is a device formed by a little metallic bar (called the agitation bar) which is normally covered by a plastic layer, and by a sheet that has underneath it a rotatory magnet or a series of electromagnets arranged in a circular form to create a magnetic rotatory field. It is very common that the sheet has an arrangement of electric resistances that can heat some chemical solutions.

Thus, during the operation of a typical magnetic agitator, the magnetic agitator bar is moved inside a container that can be a flask or a glass with some liquid inside that can be agitated. The container must be placed on the sheet, so that the magnetic field influences the agitation bar and makes it rotate. This allows it to mix different substances at high speeds.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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